- post_tag
- genres
- director
- cast
- country
- studio
- season
- network
Meta key & value
- sub (Sub, Dub, RAW)
- hot (Yes, No)
- mature (Yes, No)
- status (Ongoing, Completed, Hiatus)
- censor (Censored, Uncensored)
- type (TV, OVA, Movie, Live Action, Special, BD, ONA, Music)
Order by
- title (by name)
- modified (by modified post)
- date (by date post)
- rand (random)
[ch title="#" tax="#" slug="#" key="#" value="#" orderby="#" order="#" total="#" style="#" more="#"]
where is taxonomy slug?? click here
In this tutorial, I give an example to create latest ‘action’ movie with view more link to and using style 2.
- Goto AnimeStream settings > Homepage
- In the Shortcode Area, write the shortcode like this
[ch title="Latest Action Movie" tax="genres" slug="action" key="type" value="Movie" orderby="modified" total="5" style="2" more=""]
Another example, i create latest update live action
[ch title="Latest Live Action" key="type" value="Live Action" orderby="modified" total="5" style="1"]
Create top rating
[ch title='Top Rating' key='skor' value='' orderby='meta_value_num' order='DESC' total='10']
Example create latest added action and adventure genres
[ch title="Latest Added Action & Adventure" tax="genres" slug="action,adventure" orderby="date" total="5"]
Example create latest added anime and movie
[ch title="Latest Added Series & OVA" key="type" value="tv,ova" orderby="date" total="5"]